In December 2019,  we launched our District 9940 Conference website.
Bookmark the website on your computer now and you will see more over time as we add to the information. Look out for the highlight promotions that will appear regularly.
Registrations for the conference (15 - 17 May 2020) open in early February 2020.
The conference is our annual opportunity to share information, have fun and to connect with Rotary people from around the District and across the world.  The conference programme is being built around local and international leaders engaging with you, as well as you engaging with each other – Interactors, Rotaractors, Rotarians, friends and our guests.
Book a date with the RNZ Airforce Jazz Orchestra for our conference dinner dance. As a club, start creating your club’s theme for the dance night. Be creative and dress to impress. Come as a group, come as a team and come and have fun.It promises to be a fabulous night.
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