Life Education Trust
Behaviours developed during childhood and early adolescence are predictors of adult behaviours.
Children and adolescents are faced with all the challenges of developing their own identity. A need to fit in, a need to belong, a need to like the person in the mirror, be comfortable with who they are. Bullying, falling out with friends, the worry of being different and peer pressure are just some of the emotions growing children live with daily. Therefore, children and adolescents need to understand the development of their brain during puberty and the impact healthy choices during this time will have on their lives.
Life Education is a health resource, working within the curriculum we offer schools a range of lessons grouped into five strands; self-esteem, food and nutrition, body knowledge, social relationships and substances. We’re proud of our independence and don’t receive any government funds.
Our philosophy is based on three principles: 
  • You are unique. “Never before and never again will there be another child just like you.”  We try to make each child feel comfortable with their identity and to show them how special they are.
  • The human body is magnificent. We capture children’s imagination, teaching them the magnificence of the human body, how it functions and what its needs are. 
  • We need to support and respect each other, because of the delicate and complex nature of life
Life Education started in New Zealand in 1987 when founder Trevor Grice brought the programme from Australia after seeing the immense benefits. Today we have 330 volunteer trustees working tirelessly across 38 Community Trusts operating 44 mobile classrooms.
Each year over 220,000 primary and intermediate aged children from 1,350 schools attend lessons in Life education classrooms.
Rotary have been an integral part of Life Education’s success’s both in helping establish local Trusts, band giving ongoing support.
For further information of local trusts or more about Life Education, contact:
John O’Connell
Chief Executive
PO Box 9205, Wellington
Bus:  04 472 9620