Ka mahi te hukuroa i ana mahi.
Well done!  The band of toilers keeps on working.
June 2020 sees us further out of lockdown restrictions.  Face to face meetings are starting up again.  Changeovers are being confirmed.
The month of June is a time for friendship within clubs and clusters; a time for advancing key Rotary 100 Centennial initiatives at the International, Zone 8 - South Pacific and District level.
Internationally, End Polio Now remains our flagship programme.  This work will continue until the job is done.  The United Nations celebrates its 75th anniversary this month so Rotary is reminded of our collective contributions to the UN work right from the beginning https://www.rotary.org/en/history-rotary-and-united-nations . These connections are enduring and continue today across the world, especially through our Peace programmes https://www.rotary.org/en/our-causes/promoting-peace .  Supporting the Rotary Foundation is how each of us affirm these initiatives and more.
Zone 8 is our part of the Rotary world – the South Pacific, New Zealand, the Pacific and Australia. We celebrate 100 years of service in our region this year and next.  Just for us are the celebrations being organised, the histories to be published, a baton relay commitment and an exhibition in planning.  With our Pacific communities and UNICEF we are delivering and funding Rotary Give Every Child a Future, a multi-year programme https://everychildafuture.com/.   These activities need your ongoing support.  Call me if you want to be connected to any of these projects.
District 9940 is us.  We are right behind the new Regional Children’s Hospital due to open in 2021.  There are two weeks left for all clubs to sell their raffle ticket books to support this project.  Consider buying a book, not just a ticket.  Your club president is on notice now.  They will help you and your club support the raffle.  A very good prize too!
And finally, my thoughts on COVID-19.  Firstly, it has catapulted us into the digital world of ZOOM.  We now have hybrid options for our various meetings.  We can be face to face, online or a mix of the two.  Increasingly we are finding the best mix for each situation.
Secondly, the whole world is challenged by the pandemic including all New Zealanders.  Rotary is responding at all levels.  We are meeting the many challenges presented by the lockdown.  Individual Rotarians, clubs, clusters and the District teams have embraced a variety of opportunities and are continuously developing new ways to keep our service ethic alive and well.  I believe, to be most effective at this time, we should first consider connecting people and organisations that come to our attention to;
https://covid19.govt.nz/   Learn the simple steps you can take to unite against the virus and slow its spread . Find out what help is available and get the latest updates in New Zealand.
We are so very fortunate to be part of a team of 5 million people who are collectively, committed to looking after each other. 
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa
John H Mohi
Rotary Connects the World
Together We Connect
Ko Tātou Tātou e, together we are one