Rotaract is Rotary International's service club for young adults stemming from university students and polytechnic students, to young professionals starting their career. Rotaract exists to introduce and engage young adults in their early career phases in the ethos and ideals of Rotary so the next step to becoming a Rotarian is a natural progression.
Rotaractors commit to the objectives of Rotary. Rotaract clubs are sponsored by a local Rotary Club or Clubs and remain self-governing and self-supporting. Rotaract Clubs engage in local and international service projects while providing an environment where members make friends and develop career and leadership skills.
Our district supports three Rotaract Clubs across Manawatu; New Plymouth and Wellington.
The Massey Manawatu Rotaract Club is the Rotaract Club that is based at the Massey University Branch in Palmerston North / Manawatu.
For more information please click here.

The New Plymouth Rotaract Club is based in central New Plymouth.
For more information please click here.

The Wellington Rotaract Club is based in the Victoria University of Wellington and contains young professionals and students throughout Wellington.
For more information please click here.