Grants Timelines Applications
The District Grants Sub-Committee manages the District Grants process.
The general criteria for project or activity funding is detailed here.
District Grants
Clubs and clusters seeking a District Grant should complete a District Grant Preliminary Application Form here by 31 May 2019. Grant approvals will be advised by 31 July 2019. As a general policy, District Grants will require a “dollar for dollar” (1:1) contribution from the applicant club/cluster. The District Foundation Committee on a case-by-case basis will consider a waiver for a portion or the entire 1:1 subsidy.
Global Grants
The minimum amount for a project or activity to qualify for a Global Grant is US$30,000. The maximum is US$400,000.
The Foundation matches club and individual contributions at 50 percent, while District held Foundation Funds (DDF) are matched at 100 percent. Applications for Global Grants are completed using a two-step process involving first a proposal and then an application. The District Grants Sub-Committee will assist the drafting of the initial proposal.
Adrienne Murray (Ian) (Plimmerton)